
Life Architect Consulting
ABN: 56 043 553 738

I have a media enquiry

Alan works with all major international media outlets including:

  • ABC
  • Al Jazeera
  • CBS/60 Minutes
  • Reuters
  • SMH
  • Warner Bros

Please provide appropriate detail in the form below.

A full press kit is available here for media and conference organisers.

Other top frequently asked questions

Can I have permission to use your material?
Yes, please see the permissions page.

Can I provide a guest post, or can you promote my product?
No, please read the guest posting page.

Can you speak for free at my event or on my panel?
No, all speaking engagements are managed by ICMI.

Can we have a call about my AI questions?
Yes, Alan’s rates are listed on the AI consulting page.


Use the form below.

When form has been sent successfully, a confirmation will appear, and you will receive a copy via email.