The former child prodigies creating AI (2022)

The field of AI has been disproportionately led by people who were child prodigies before adolescence, and/or identified as gifted in childhood.

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Prodigy means ‘a preadolescent who produces meaningful output in some domain to the level of an adult expert’. Gifted means ‘a person with an intellectual ability linked to a measured capacity in the top 2% of the population’. For more information, see my research.

Please note that giftedness is not an indication of wealth, status, or any other indicator. Measuring giftedness can be likened to measuring other human traits like height. For more information, see my work for GE, Decoding Genius, especially Episode 6.

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Alan D. Thompson is a world expert in artificial intelligence, advising everyone from Apple to the US Government on integrated AI. Throughout Mensa International’s history, both Isaac Asimov and Alan held leadership roles, each exploring the frontier between human and artificial minds. His landmark analysis of post-2020 AI—from his widely-cited Models Table to his regular intelligence briefing The Memo—has shaped how governments and Fortune 500s approach artificial intelligence. With popular tools like the Declaration on AI Consciousness, and the ASI checklist, Alan continues to illuminate humanity’s AI evolution. Technical highlights.

This page last updated: 23/Jun/2022.