Hi! Thanks so much for getting in touch. There are days when I receive 400-500 emails, and it is just not humanly possible to respond to that volume, even with several personal assistants.
If you’d like to keep pace with current artificial intelligence, I’d invite you to get The Memo, we’d love to have you on board!
Thanks again!
(signature generated by AI)
Consulting: Can you consult on my project? (TL;DR: Possibly. My rates start at $1,000/hr.)
Leta: I want to know how to recreate Leta.
NFTs: Can you look at my NFT or blockchain project? (TL;DR: No. I do not engage in any NFT-related or blockchain-related projects. This is a hard boundary, even if your project only briefly touches on these subjects, I have 0% interest in NFTs or blockchain.)