This project is now closed.
WATCH a ‘behind the scenes’ view!
LISTEN to Steve talk about the importance of this project:
August 2020: This project is now complete and ready for editing! If you’ve been asked by Steve to review your material, please email me!
July 2020: The manuscript is now close to completion. The foreword has been completed by Dr Iyanla Vanzant, and Steve Chandler has completed his interview. Interviews will close by August 2020.
If you would like to contribute your voice to the symphony that is Steve Hardison’s biography, I’d love to have your input.
LISTEN to Steve talk about the importance of this project (21m38s):
- Email. Send a document with your story about Steve. Email to:
or click to send email. - Audio message. If you have a compelling story to tell by voice, please record it using ‘Voice memos’ on iPhone, and send it through to my Australian mobile/cell:
[removed] (iMessage/WhatsApp okay). - Interview. I would love to hear any and all platinum-grade, rare, compelling, or powerful stories about Steve that you feel need to be shared with the world. There are 100+ interviews scheduled several months ahead. These interviews are not for talking about how cool Steve is(!), or tributes on his website, or the magic of TBOLITNFL. Choose a date and time to speak here [removed].
Thank you for taking the time to read this note.
I am ready to hear your magic.
Thank you for everything you do, and everything you be.
All my very best,
More about Alan
My name is Alan, and I am from Australia. In brief: I’ve written five books, many popular articles (including a recent article on Elon Musk’s school), I’m the only coach in the world specialising in child prodigies and their families, and I’ve known Steve for nearly a decade. You can read more of my background here. If you would like a complimentary copy of my recent book about intuition (featuring Dr Rupert Sheldrake), please let me know.
This book is not about me.
More about the book
Steve’s book
I first met Steve in 2012, and sat in his office in 2013. I have asked Steve several times since then: ‘When will you create a book?’. I knew the answer: ‘My life is my book. My book is my life.’
A few days ago, on Sunday 19/April/2020, I asked again, but from a different place.
I felt a gentle call this morning to compile a book about you and your life. It would be a very beautiful, very long book.
You may recall before we met I scoured the internet trying to find context and background for you. I think others would also love reading and absorbing information all in one place.
I could complete this project myself, referencing images and notes from your FB page, Chandler’s work, Jody’s work, and other sources.
I would only do this with your ‘nod’. How would you feel about this? Or is there someone you think would be a good fit to work with me on this project?
All my best,
This time, Steve didn’t say ‘No’. (He also didn’t say ‘Yes’!)
I’ve now spoken with Steve Chandler, SFH, and Amy. I am committed to creating a beautiful written record of Steve’s life.
Writing Steve
I understand the challenge of doing this in the written word. This is from a tiny piece of a ‘sketch of a draft of an idea’ of the introduction:
If you’ve ever been in the presence of Steve Hardison, no combination of words in the English language will be able to compare to your experience. The best that the black-and-white printed word can do is to remind you of that peace, that magic, that exhilaration.
If you haven’t been in the presence of Steve Hardison, this book will go some way to describing that experience while distilling his life’s work.
Note that the experience—his being—is the priority.
Distilling his ‘biography’ or timeline—his doing—is secondary.
Through the contributions of hundreds of individuals who have experienced Steve, this book is the most complete, most comprehensive, and most vivid written account of a man whose greatness changes the world. Every. Single. Day.
While each individual’s experience is completely unique, the many tributes and testimonials about Steve are congruent, consistent, interchangeable.
Most of these people—strangers, friends, clients—have never met each other. They’re not in on some great, cosmic joke! They are part of an experience of being. An experience of the same divine-human energy: the energy that creates worlds.
I am giving 100% of myself to bring Steve’s life to life, to have him heard clearly, cleanly, and beautifully. Worldwide. This project will be the PEAK of excellence.
PPC: Peak Performance Commitment.
MIM: Mastery/Magic in Motion.
What I’d like from you
You have many visceral stories of Steve. If you feel an intuitive nudge to share—and only if you feel this guidance to share—I’d love to hear your voice. Right now, I’m most interested in listening to your:
- Top three stories/experiences with Steve.
- Creations, turning your investment into creation.
- Anything else you think is important for me to know.
- Anything else you think is important for the world to know.
You: in writing
If you have something in writing that you would like to share, please reply directly to this email. Text is okay. DOCX, TXT, PDF formats are better. It doesn’t need to be polished, or even edited. It could be your own personal journal entry. It could be an important email note, sent or received. It could be a new document created in response to this request.
It will be added to the manuscript.
If you want to provide it as background only (not for the manuscript), let me know that clearly.
And if your work is already on Steve’s website, or you’ve written a book mentioning Steve, it is nearly guaranteed that I have it already.
You: a conversation
If you’d like to tell me your story, I’m also open and available to listen. I will block out time for us to speak. To prioritise this, I have opened my calendar more than ever; these interviews override other parts of life (I will shift other meetings!). I will limit this to one interview per day, for the next few months. The interview audio will be recorded and transcribed. My preference for recording this is to use FaceTime (iPhone, iPad, mac), or Google Meet (you’ll receive a link which you can open on any device, in any browser).
You can choose a date and time to speak here [removed]. It will display your time zone automatically (I will see your request in my time zone, Perth UTC+8). If you’d prefer to email me to set up a different time preference, please reply directly to this email.